
1927’s third show is a loose interpretation of Gustav Meyrink’s 1915 book, updated for the iPad generation through taking swipes at in-built obsolescence and consumerism’s obsession with trends. Their celebrated multimedia staging featured a vast visual backdrop of claymation and animation, with the five performers interacting through doors and other props. The actors were brilliant all-round, a lengthy rehearsal period clearly paying dividends in their mellifluous old-timey dialogue which was delivered with perfect, humorous diction.

The live musical accompaniment of drums and keyboards was diverse and accomplished and the involving plot was well-written. The alarmingly relevant dystopia was expertly conjured, with poignant character development effectively conveying fraying relationships and the repression of individuality. The one small drawback was a slower second half that lost momentum but overall this unique production was a wonder to behold.

The Old Market, 6 January 2016


Joe Fuller

Golem runs until Saturday 16th January

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