Holly Would

Unstoppable Eating Machine

Happy New Year! Does everybody have their New Years resolutions planned out yet? Mine is to try and accomplish a previously failed resolution. One of these was to lose some weight, it’s been my resolution for the last three years and I haven’t quite managed it yet… Third time lucky, eh? 
Did I overdo the eating this Christmas? Possibly. Do I regret it? Possibly. My kitchen became an Aladdin’s cave of food during the festive period and the rest is a bit of a blur in all honesty. waist-2
It was no longer a question of what should I eat, but how much can I eat in one go. I would be walking around the kitchen with a Quality Street in each cheek and an arm full of anything else that I could find. I’d then amble towards the living room, snuggle up underneath a blanket and watch Christmas films with my family.
That was my routine and as you can tell it didn’t involve a lot of exercise. Christmas day came and my Nan, sister, nephew, brother-in-law and cousin came to our house for Christmas lunch. I’m pretty sure that I ate an entire turkey. I was an unstoppable eating machine.
It wasn’t my fault; my mum is quite possibly the best cook in the world. But now that the holidays are over I’m too afraid to jump on the scales and see just how much damage was done to my waistline. If the tightness of my jeans is anything to go by, the damage was severe, but this year I’m determined to become one of those people that really enjoy exercise and healthy eating.
In the past, I have tried every crash diet going… That is probably the reason I never completed my New Years resolution: Crash diets do not work.
I tried protein shakes, no carbs, no dairy, no eating after 5pm, the 5:2 diet, the caveman diet, I even did a water fast (which was really stupid and you put any weight loss straight back on again, so don’t try it!)
I know that exercise and healthy eating is the only way to really lose weight, I guess I was just looking for a shortcut but there isn’t one. Another one of my failed resolutions was to organise everything in my bedroom.
My bedroom is clean but it is not organised at all. I hate throwing things away if they have a memory attached to them so most of the things in my room end up being stuffed into the drawers underneath my bed.
Opening these drawers is something that I like to keep to a minimum. I can’t tell you exactly what’s in there, as I’m not 100% sure myself… All I know is that, at one point in my life, I decided everything in there was too important to throw away.
These drawers are the type of drawers that, once they’re opened, refuse to shut. Years of “tidying my room” have been crammed into them, so much so that the slightest interference causes the whole of Narnia to come tumbling out onto the floor.
It’s mainly old school work, photographs and birthday cards. As much as I want to sort out everything that’s under there, it will probably take weeks so maybe I’ll put that one off until next year…

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