Nangle Natters: Can i get a Witness ?
A mate of mine’s going through a bit of a trauma at the moment. You don’t need to know the details, but they were telling me, with a certain amount of amazement, how another friend was being really helpful and not trying to ‘fix’ the problem. I think we need lots of friends to get us through these trials so that no single person gets rinsed of energy and does the whole martyr thing (we all know those people!), so I was happy to be one of a group my mate was turning to.
I reckon – and I realised this as I spoke to her – that real friends tend to stick around over a long period of time and properly witness the major events in our lives. Literally, like being our ‘rocks’, they’re a constant when the world turns upside down and tries to shake the change out of our pockets. Points of navigation, if you will.
My mate liked that. And we’ve known each other since stupid-times of learning the difference between drinking a bottle of wine and drinking a bottle of port in a night. She doesn’t want to be fixed. Because in these times of massive flux, who knows what ‘fixed’ looks like anyway?