Laurie Anderson: Slideshow

Laurie Anderson’s world premiere of a new performance monologue was the centrepiece of 2016’s Festival’s theme of place, and the recently written piece felt suitably fresh and organic. Droney, My Bloody Valentine-like violin set the scene for Anderson to share stories and thoughts about places and experiences in her life, much like recent film Heart of a Dog (some stories and music were sampled from this in fact). Her eventful life was fascinating to hear about, including her bemusement and uncertainty as to how to act as NASA’s artist in residence and a funny anecdote about a short stay with an Amish family. Anderson’s eloquence and literary personality shone through in interesting stories and insights: her humour and a unique perspective on the world created a lovely atmosphere and a highly enjoyable monologue. A quiet, contemplative success and a real coup for the Festival in presenting the world premiere.

Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, 18 May 2016


Joe Fuller

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