Celebcity with Charmaine Davies

The word on Whistler

Internet sensation and Latest TV star, Matt Whistler, was my co-host for nearly three years at comedy night ‘Funny Fursdays’ at Hotel Pelirocco.

Matt was known for his great slapstick falls and spontaneous tat finding, where he would incorporate a piece of street rubbish into his repertoire. Everyone knew that I was funnier than him (only joking Matt). One evening he disappeared like a ship in the night…

One evening he disappeared like a ship in the night… turns out that he’s making a biopic arthouse film

Turns out that he’s making a biopic arthouse comedy film. I know this because I’m in it as one of the leading characters. I play a robot! The things I do!

Matt Whistler

This is his third film, two of which have been on Latest TV.

Monty Pythons Carol Cleveland and Terry Jones both have cameos in the film as does Lloyd Kaufman.

Matt Whistler has come a long way from when he first went viral in 2010 after being filmed tobogganing on a tea tray down Southover Street naked. This was closely followed up by his YouTube hit Surfing Bird. He recently put on a successful art and comedy night at the Verano Lounge in Brighton with myself and top comedian Tony Law performing.

He’s certainly a busy man and has nearly finished filming this latest project. “It’s difficult as an independent film maker as you have very little budget but it’s been a fun project to do” says Matt. I for one can’t wait until it’s finished, not because I’m in it, but I can guarantee it will make you laugh out loud!

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