Latest TV: Terrific TV for a tiny town


America, Kosovo. Latvia and many more nations, have something in common. Tiny TV. Hundreds of small communities of a few thousand people in these countries have local micro TV. Britain has none. Micro TV company CHALK TV, wants to put that right. It has started the first truly local web based micro TV service in the tiny town of Lewes, letting the townsfolk see what’s happening in their own back yard when no one else will.

Exciting. Innovative. Brand new, its shows are shown on Latest TV, every Tuesday at 5.30pm. CHALK TV is the UK’s first micro TV station based in Lewes. It might never have come about if it hadn’t been for Latest TV’s Bill Smith!

CHALK TV’s founder Keith Hayes and Bill are both champions of local TV and spent many hours talking about local TV for Brighton. When the government legislation was implemented, it became apparent that small communities such as Lewes would miss out.

Exciting, innovative, brand new!

But Bill never forgot the conversations and suggested a half hour programme about Lewes to be shown on Latest TV would be intriguing to his wider audience. As a result, a group of TV experts in Lewes including well known TV professionals such as former ITN cameraman Mick Hawksworth, have developed web based TV as a micro TV service for Lewes, supported by Latest TV and the half hour programme ‘Latest in Lewes’.

Our programmes are produced by leading professionals, who live in the tiny town. Producers, presenters, camera crews, graphic artists and more, who have worked for top TV companies in Britain and many other parts of the world, who now want to use their skills to bring a vital news and information service to the place where they live. CHALK TV knows that the rich and colourful life of small towns can be intriguing to people outside their community.

A recent TV programme on a local pub brought accolades from international viewers. Keith Hayes enthuses: “That’s what we never see. The weird, wonderful, esoteric customs and peculiarities of English daily life. A dog buying a pint of beer in a ‘Pub’ with a beer mat”. CHALK brings this rich tapestry of British tiny town life every week!

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