Andy Garth: Brighton art

This week I have decided to become highbrow and publicise something great that is about to happen at the Brighton Museum.
From 8 April till 8 October this year please make the time to pop and see a free exhibition entitled: ‘Constable and Brighton’, where approximately 150 works of this fabulous painter will be on display. It explores his work done in and around Brighton, when he stayed with his family between 1824 and 1828.

Now why am I getting serious? Well, I have watched with awe the work that has gone into this project and hurdle jumped, to produce this event.
I was approached by my friend Shan Lancaster for assistance with regards to my collection of local maps of Brighton and its environs (strange word but that’s what it says on the maps!) to help look at John Constable’s walks and routes he may have taken when searching his subjects – which included lots of windmills.
Massive local interest and some amazing paintings which have come from collections all over the world
I was also interested by the fact that he resided in Sillwood Road in a house owned by the sister of Thomas Kemp (he of Kemp Town and the Temple, which is now the girls school in Montpelier Road).
So massive local interest and some amazing paintings which have come from collections all over the world to our little old town. I have included an example of his Brighton work [1], but obviously there is nothing like seeing the real thing.
Shan has produced and edited a lovely book [2] to go with the exhibition (which I have for sale in my shop at 28 Western Road Hove at only £25) which will inform and teach you more about this great artist.
28 Western Rd, Hove, BN3 1AF
Next week: auction results!