Stage: Can’t Take My Eyes Off You, RC’s 2017 Fringe concert

Rainbow Chorus

Deep C Divas
Can’t Take My Eyes Off You, RC’s 2017 Fringe concert. Latest 7 has been following the progress of Brighton & Hove’s Rainbow Chorus for some years now. It has been a pleasure not only to go along to their performances throughout the year but also to watch with both interest and admiration how they have grown and developed.
Expectations of community choirs who live by the tenet of come one come all can be pretty low. Hardly surprising if you see that they work on a no audition basis.
What the Rainbows have achieved is quite remarkable and time after time we have seen the raising of standards, of ambition and of course musicality. You would be hard pressed to spot the difference between them and audition only choirs these days. This must be down to two things, a passion and commitment from the members of the chorus and power house of a musical director, in the form of the irrepressible Aneesa Chaudhry.
We are always looking for ways to improve
At most performances we meet up with our media friend James Ledward of G Scene who says this: “If you wonder where the LGBT community in Brighton is, just go and see a Rainbow Chorus concert!”. We could not agree more!
And just when we thought a night with the Rainbow Chorus couldn’t get any better, they have found new ways to impress us. “We are always looking for ways to improve. So stand by for a departure from our usual concerts as we roll out an evening of songs from the familiar, the not so familiar, to the downright quirky as the marvellous, beautiful sounding and often hilarious Yorkshire based, lesbian a cappella singing group, The Deep C Divas, join the fun for one night only.
“Joining forces with the Deep C Divas will make for an even more entertaining evening of friendly rivalry and mutual admiration that will surely move you as well as make you smile and lift the heart. You won’t be able to take your eyes off them… Don’t miss it!
Following the Rainbow Chorus’ previous sell out summer and winter concerts, this event will be part of Brighton Fringe on Saturday 13th May 2017 and is bound to be another smash hit. Tickets for this concert are on sale now at £14/£10(concession)/£7(children)