The kid are all write: How to become a ladybird

Is reincarnation possible? Is there an ‘afterlife’? If there is, how to do we get there and what ‘credentials’ do we need? How many bad deeds can be overlooked and how many good ones do we require? I like to think reincarnation is a possibility… do you?
Reincarnation is a controversial subject. There is no substantial evidence supporting it, but there is no reason why it couldn’t be real. There is lots of video evidence of small children (under the age of seven) who can remember their past lives. Some of the subjects they describe and discuss are adult topics or simply things that they should not know about. For example, one boy remembers what his name was, the man who killed him and how he did it. When his parents researched the man, there was evidence he had killed a man by the same name.
There are many people who don’t believe that reincarnation is even a possibility. I say this is rather narrow-minded. Their augment is that small children can pick up on what their parents have said and can remember these things for months, then just blurt them out. They could also build these snippets up in their imaginations and even forget that it isn’t true. I think this is unlikely but an easy solution to believe it isn’t true.
There is lots of evidence of small children who can remember their past lives
Many religions believe that reincarnation is tied to your personal karma. Karma is the belief that when you do good deeds, good things will happen to you, but when you do bad deeds, bad things will happen to you. It ties in with the motto: what goes around comes around.
So they think that if you are a good person in this life, in your next one, you will come back as an intelligent animal: if you are a bad person, you will come back as a bottom feeder. Now just think about that… maybe this is a call to being good and nice in this life just in case we do all end up coming back as things we may only ever see in our nightmares.
Nine students from Portslade Aldridge Community Academy have been writing their own articles about something that matters to them, as part of Little Green Pig’s weekly after-school Tuesday club. For more info about the projects being set up for young writers across the city, go to