The kids are all write: Should students do PE?

Did you know students in both primary and secondary schools are pushed into doing PE? Some people believe that they should do PE but do people really know how much stress some students have to go through in doing this? I’m going to tell you about some of the things that some students think of when they go and get changed for PE.
Teachers in schools across the world are making students do PE when they are not comfortable to get changed in front of other people. Therefore, some students will try and get out of lesson. Some feel uncomfortable. Some students think they are at the bottom of the class, because they can’t keep up with the other people and will feel depressed because they want to be like the others with power to do the sports.
Also, PE teachers pick the sporting groups and it may be with someone they don’t get along with. Therefore, they will get a lower grade in PE because they are not working well.
Students might not be comfortable changing in front of other people
Some classes are mixed boys and girls. Boys and girls don’t always like to show their body with shorts and t-shirts because of their arms and legs. Some girls don’t want to be with the boys and some boys don’t want to be with the girls.
I took a survey: 50% of people agreed with me on this statement. Enforcing PE is not fair on the students who want to make progress by losing weight. Also this won’t be fair on the people who want to do good at PE and want to do it for GCSE. With people not wanting to do the subject, it may make other students not work as hard. There will be some students who want to make progress in PE but can’t because the other students won’t participate. I think that students should not be pushed into anything, especially with playing sports or doing PE. Is it fair that some students do not feel comfortable doing this and end up really unhappy at school?
Nine students from Portslade Aldridge Community Academy have been writing their own articles about something that matters to them, as part of Little Green Pig’s weekly after-school Tuesday club. For more info about the projects being set up for young writers across the city, go to