Stage: Glamorous, dangerous and controversial – Hi-Lo Productions present The Mitfords


In a century littered with dynastic families and the parts they played in history few names are as fascinating as those of the Mitfords, six girls whose beliefs and marriages were at least fascinating and often controversial. This new play takes you to the heart of the utterly fascinating 20th century world of what surely were amongst the most interesting sisters in history. Hi-Lo Productions are presenting Brighton-based playwright Gail Louw’s brand new one-woman tour de force, The Mitfords.

Diana was married to Oswald Mosley and a lifelong fascist. Unity was a great close friend of Hitler’s. Jessica was a dyed-in-the-wool communist. Deborah became Duchess of Devonshire. Nancy was a well-loved novelist… and Pamela kept chickens.

Directed by John Burrows, actress Heather Long stars in the astonishing story of six sisters and their captivating roles in the major world-changing events that defined the 20th century. 

An inspirational story of strong, bold women and their search for meaning, the sisters adopted fiercely opposing views on all things political, clashing over their opinions on humanity, communism, fascism and Nazism. But being political enemies didn’t mean they couldn’t be personal friends, did it? 

There’s just so much of interest about these women

One thing was always certain: The Mitford Sisters were never destined to be housewives. They lived, they travelled, they loved and, above all else, they stood up for the principles they believed in. 

On choosing The Mitford Sisters as the topic for her next play, Gail said: “The more I read, the more I realised there’s just so much of interest about these women. Of all my plays, I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed the process of reading and learning about it more than with The Mitfords. I’ve found it absolutely fascinating. I hope audiences thoroughly enjoy the theatrically of it all and that they find these sisters just as fascinating and captivating as I do.”

Award-winning playwright Gail Louw has her plays performed throughout the world, most recently in South Africa, San Francisco, Australia and New Zealand. Her other plays include Blonde Poison, which won the Argus Award for Artistic Excellence, and Duwayne, which was awarded Best New Play at the Brighton Festival. 

The Mitfords, Rialto Theatre Brighton
8pm, Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 November
Box Office 01273 725230.
Photo: © Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth. Reproduced by permission of Chatsworth Settlement Trustees.

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