
Spoon’s first ever Brighton gig was the sort of solid & strong concert you’d expect from the resolute peddlers of solid & strong albums. Britt Daniel’s versatile, sassy vocals along with his confidence added charisma to the potent rock tropes and autumnal funk of the music. I even admired his diction for it led to clearly discernible lyrics, and a prominent focus on two keyboardists for many of the songs was fun and tonally refreshing.

The mixing was superb: managing a rare balance where everything sounded loud enough, but not like a messy melange. Guitars clanged, screeched and chimed mellifluously. The set was generously populated with fan favourites like ‘I Turn My Camera On’ and ‘The Beast And Dragon, Adored’ and recent single ‘Hot Thoughts’’ delightful guitar work shone in the live rendition.

Yet there is a nagging sense that with such high quality ingredients the Spoon dish could be something more. Undoubtedly good performers, but without truly stunning songs to perform.

Concorde 2, 7 November 2017


Joe Fuller

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