From the editor: The point of the pointless

When I first moved to Brighton, many years ago, I signed up for a life drawing class. I’ve always found the reassuring lines of the edges of people and the stillness of a longer pose to be a world I can happily get lost in. And I didn’t know many people. I can’t say I stayed in touch with anyone from the class, not that there was anything wrong with any of them, it just wasn’t that kind of group. What I did keep from the experience was the sudden surprise and realisation that I was studying something with absolutely no career or academic benefit whatsoever. Which was kind of liberating.
It’s opened up the start of my pointless creative moments, which couldn’t be more fun. I will admit that I do have to stop myself periodically from making it useful – or pointful. I’ve been trained to be cost-conscious in this ongoing austerity (hateful word!), so it feels counter-intuitive to simply make stuff up with no agenda in mind. Most of the time I end up with a compromise, picking up inexpensive materials on a whim and letting my mind drift as to how I might use them.
Last weekend a friend came round for dinner and a film only to be greeted by three bowls – one of brooch backs, the second of leftover yarn, and the third of a collection of small Scrabble letters with stickyback adhesives. We made personalised badges whilst the shepherds pie baked. Every 80s montage – eat your hearts out.
It’s silly but it’s freeing. Going to a tango class with a mate, buying glitter and cartridge paper, just the feel of pulling the quick-drying Copydex off my fingertips – it’s easy to forget how accessible this level of silly joy can be.
So buy your Christmas cards, but maybe make a couple too. For yourself.
Victoria Nangle