Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs

Enthusiasm, fun, and talent were the name of the game at Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs. It’s a fine balance between music hall and theatre, kids and adult theatre, whilst incorporating a community feel of dance school chorus children and a generous scattering of local geographical gags. Pop singer and audience favourite Chesney Hawkes impressively held his own vocally alongside the West End stars’ delightfully strong Niki Evans and Cassie Compton (a marvellous wicked queen, revelling in her own badness), and a true delight every time he took to the stage was Richard David-Caine as the queen’s henchman – gleefully ad libbing and gurning for the audience. Other notable mentions go to Simon Howe as Dolly the Dame, a quality stalwart with a surprisingly good tap dance, and Joseph Elliott as Snow’s simple best friend and comic relief.

It was a festive joy to join the comradery, to witness old classic sketches performed with a freshness to seem new to young eyes, and simply bask in the fun of it all.

Pavilion Theatre, Worthing, 12 December 2017


Victoria Nangle

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