Bent Double

A fresh-feeling line-up with a top quality MC and curator of the evening Zoe Lyons can never be taken for granted. Bent Double is a delight of comedy, bringing a break from homogenised comedic experiences and stories with new voices and ideas. Lyons herself is marvellous at this, setting the tone nicely for the evening with an extended to and fro with the front row and glimpse of her own Christmas of illness and indulgence.
Opening was Debra Jane Appleby, a Yorkshire-woman in her 50s with a confident experienced delivery that was enjoyable when she spoke about her family and moving South, but stepped up a notch further with its energy when she moved on to her recent palpable joy and happiness with her new lady love.
The middle section enjoyed two shorter sets from Austrian Alice Frick – fun but nervous, giving the impression of indecision between a comic character or a stand-up voice of her own – and Sophie Dukar, whose laconic delivery and careful build and release of tension in the room marked her as one to watch out for in the future.
Headlining was the very talented Rob Deering, who once again impressed with both his comic timing and musicicality, utilising loop pedals, audience suggestions, a wealth of stand-up experience and an ongoing creation of new material to make him a worthy crescendo to this great night.

Komedia, 7 January 2018


Victoria Nangle

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