From the editor: Pride in Pride

Over the last few weeks Brighton has been privileged to be host to Disability Pride, Trans Pride, and a whole array of smaller events and fundraisers raising awareness and spirits in the name of recognising and celebrating the diversity we are honoured to call neighbours.
This weekend sees the arrival of Brighton Pride, and whether that means communing with the giants upon whose shoulders we stand on with reflection – or shaking every tailfeather in your fan in celebration with Britney in Preston Park, Brighton is shining every colour of the rainbow out, loud and proud.
Last year I stood and watched the parade as it went by. I ran the gamut from tears to grins to boogying on down with the dance floats. Placards went past with the faces of some those brutally taken in Russia. Followed later by a float of half naked people brightly adorned, waving furiously, with their industry sponsorship splashed garishly about the truck they were on. I wandered over to the St James Street area and felt a belonging as the drag queens I’ve caught throughout the year sang their hearts out – celebrating, commiserating, engaging with everyone there. And I sang along with them.
Brighton Pride is ours, and as it changes and grows each year is remains as relevant as ever. For our international siblings, our local teenagers finding the words to come out, for all those around the country who still flock here as a the safe LGBTQ haven it has become known as. Have pride in Brighton Pride.
All the best from everyone at Latest, moving forward with the Live & Let Live project in Manchester Street, into a new era.
Victoria Nangle