Brighton Lights: What to do in the city – w/c 21st August 2018

1 An absurd black comedy for our times exploring austerity, friendship and what happens when the gin runs dry – The Cheeseboard Predicament by Tom Akehurst makes it’s debut, in the safe directorial hands of The Warren’s artistic director Nicola Haydn.
Brighton Open Air Theatre, Saturday 25 – Monday 27 August, 7pm (Saturday) & 2pm (Sunday & Monday), £14/10

2 Gamarjobat – The Shut-Up Comedy from Japan is fabulous comedy, accessible to all the family, utilising no words at all and plenty of slapstick, mime, and tightly choreographed clowning. The double act were on the scene and excellent way before the current trend for clowns started, and this is their ‘highlights’ show. A treat.
Komedia, Monday 27 August, 6pm, £15/10

3 The razor-sharp wit of Jimmy Carr is familiar to many from his frequent appearances on the telly, but his live performances take it up to another level of close to-the-knuckle gags. He says his favourite laughs are the ones an audience can’t help and then try to take back. Here are his best bits.
Assembly Hall, Worthing, Friday 24 August, 8pm, £29

4 In case you missed it last week, Zippo’s Circus is in town with its Legacy show, celebrating 250 years of the circus. Including extraordinary equestrians, astonishing acrobats, comic clowns and dashing daredevils, presented by the world’s most famous Ringmaster, Norman Barrett, MBE.
Hove Lawns, all week, 12noon (Sun only), 3pm & 7.30pm, £7.50–26