Dave Gorman: With Great PowerPoint Comes Great Responsibility

Dave Gorman revels in his pedantry, and it’s hardly surprising as he does it so well. The king of PowerPoint comedy shows is engaging, interesting, and original, drawing us in to his train of thought as he makes meticulous and painstakingly demonstrated arguments regarding the smallest but domestically key points – all proven with a slide. From bathroom product refreshment ratios to daytime TV synopses, holding the attention of each and every pair of eyes and making the large Concert Hall feel intimate, even if strictly adhering to the detailed facts did at times leave fallow moments in terms of laugh out loud punchlines.

Support from Nick Doody was lots of fun. As a writer of Gorman’s Life Is Goodish television programme he already had the tone and funny bone of his audience, skipping back and forth between his ‘PG-13’ and ‘not’ material like a delighted fawn – his own twist on the well-visited middle aisle of Lidl being a particular delight.

The show is enjoyable, it is fun, it engages the grey cells without taxing them, and it is a safe pair of hands for signature comedy in a live arena. And has a most memorable giraffe joke in it.

Concert Hall, Brighton Dome, 30 September 2018


Victoria Nangle

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