Felicity Ward Busts A Nut

Felicity Ward is a force of nature – honest, fresh, and with a reassuring amount of active curiosity, leading her not only to enquire after the first two rows with impressive off-the-cuff banter skills as she does her own warm up, but also to discover such delightful individual joys as “chicken karaoke” and a small “wind” noise.

Ward is playful, whether serious or light. Her commitment to the delivery of her material is deeply enjoyable. Yes – she’s funny, and no part of any potential entertainment is allowed to slip away through lack of engagement. At times she even manages to get more of a response than the content might receive from a less experienced comic. It’s little surprise that this particular show was nominated for the big award in Edinburgh this year, turning in an hour talking about very little but leaving us with the impression that we have shared something warmly special.

Komedia, 24 October 2018


Victoria Nangle

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