BREMF – Game of Thrones – Elin Manahan Thomas (soprano), Elizabeth Kenny (lute)

One of the most joyous things about live classical performance of song is when one leaves it moved by both singer and accompanist in equal thrall, feeling that you’ve witnessed something truly special.

Thomas’ soprano singing was grounded and earthy for the most part, well suited to some of the earlier folkier numbers. Strong diction ensured that the crowd could discern the lyrics – of the languages they knew at least – and de Lassus’ ‘Bonjeur mon coeur’ was a highlight of the first half, with delicious rolling rs, gorgeous vibrato and a perfect accent.

Kenny’s beautiful lute playing was best showcased in the intricate plucking and ringing harmonies of Holborne’s ‘The countess of Pembroke’s Paradise’, whereas the pairing perhaps reached its peak in the measured melody of Dowland’s ‘Now O now I needs must part’.

St Paul’s Church, 27 October 2018


Joe Fuller

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