Jasmin Vardimon: Medusa

Stylish, frenzied and bombastic to the point of almost being overblown, Jasmin Vardimon’s Medusa certainly makes for an engaging romp of an evening. The meaning, or plot, is often obscure in dance and refreshingly Medusa makes its influences and approach blindingly clear: with women portrayed as men’s playthings and multiple mythological, exuberantly costumed showdowns throughout.

Jasmine Orr’s tempestuous boat sequence was confidently powerful, Silke Muys’s performance was deftly imbued with vulnerability and disquiet, whereas Joshua Smith’s swaggering alpha male did a great job of capturing the limelight in a gleefully slimy manner. More operatic in tone than contemporary dance at times, the final third was a fevered blur, with Vardimon creating an impressive maelstrom of sweaty detritus. Bewildering fun.

Connaught Theatre, 7 February 2019


Joe Fuller

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