Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus

Regulars in Latest Reviews the BGMC seldom fail to provide a fine evening of musical entertainment, they are without doubt a very good choir indeed. But last night there was something excitingly different about their performance. There was a depth to their singing, a tightness, precision and renewed dynamism that raised their game from the ensemble numbers to the duets and solos, and what a selection of performances we had from the latter, too many this time to mention all by name but repeatedly spine tingling moments throughout. I even enjoyed the comedy moments, well most of them!

At the heart of all this one thing really stood out and that was a sense of pure joy, yes to a man they all looked like they were having fun – and from the sense of fun came a sound that expressed that joy, at moments achieving that richness that is synonymous with the sound of a great Welsh male voice choir.

Equally enjoyable was the choice of programme, with plenty of favourites in there to put smiles on the faces of the audience. I had serious misgivings about the crazy pace at which they took Both Sides Now, losing the poetry of the Joni Mitchell song in my view, but it would be churlish to say that it had spoilt my evening.

Some of this new found joy must be credited to their new musical director and if so then hats off to him and to their future.

Brighton Gay Men’s Chorus

St George’s Church Kemp Town

3 May

Andrew Kay


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