West Sussex News - Latest TV Brighton

West Sussex News

Welcome to West Sussex News, Latest TV’s Mike Mendoza takes us through the latest updates from Adur, Worthing and Shoreham.

First, we hear that 36 fully grown Cyprus Trees have been felled in Shoreham. A statement from Adur District Council says: “After subsequent discussions between the developer and council officers, it was agreed that those trees could be removed because they were of low quality, according to a report by tree experts.” Despite this, trees should not typically be felled at this time of year to protect nesting birds under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) but contractor Real employed an ecologist to confirm that there were none. The developers say it will re-plant the area ‘with native species’ and Adur District Council say it has secured a ‘long-term maintenance plan’ to ensure the ‘long-term success of the new greenery’.

Next, Mike Mendoza speaks to Worthing Town Crier, Bob Symtherman about his various roles around the city, including his involvement with the Co-op and giving back to the community with a percentage of each shop being channeled into projects around Worthing.

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