Andrew Kay Introduces the Latest Dance Shows For July To November

Latest TV’s theatre reviewer Andrew Kay runs down the dance shows coming to the region from July to November. We have:

QDance Company from Nigeria at the Dome on the 1st and 2nd of October.

Paco Pena Dance Company at the Dome on the 15th and 16th of November

Hairspray at the Theatre Royal for one week commencing 30th September

South East Dance at the Jamie Watton Creative Space on 4th of August

Michael Flatley’s Lord of the Dance at the Congress Theatre from the 13th to the 15th of September

The Blue Camel Club at the Corn Exchange on the 7th of October

Tight Squeeze Barn Dance Band. Check out for more information

And A Chorus Line at Saddlers Wells from 31st of July to 25th of August

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