Meet Brighton’s real Martha Gunn

Martha Gunn (1726-1759) was Brighton’s famous sea-dipper, famed for literally dipping people into the sea, for the health benefits, during a time when Brighton & Hove grew as a coastal resort since  Dr Richard Russell (1687-1759) espoused the benefits of seawater.  There was a whole community of dippers, and a Brighton group led by Gaynor and John Wingham have created the Martha Gunn Trust to share the fascinating history and to create a memorial for the doughty Martha. They were soon joined by trustees local historians, Carol Homewood and Ian Barnett and together they are engaging people in this clear gem of Brighton’s history. Latest TV met the trustees at the Fishing Museum to find out more.

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  1. Gaynor Wingham says:

    Martha Gunn was born 1726/27 and died 1815 ! She is buried in St Nic’s churchyard Brighton

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