
Music: Phantom Limb

Music: Phantom Limb

- 28 February 2012

Bristol’s Phantom Limb mix poignancy with sensuality Led by the charismatic Yolanda Quartey and featuring...

John Foxx & The Maths

John Foxx & The Maths

- 14 February 2012

John Foxx bursts back on to the scene to promote his new release The original...

Music: Michael Kiwanuka

Music: Michael Kiwanuka

- 7 February 2012

Kiwanuka’s rising star lands in Brighton in February Earlier this year Michael Kiwanuka was announced...

Music: Electric Soft Parade

Music: Electric Soft Parade

- 31 January 2012

Electric Soft Parade reform for a one-off gig, despite having never broken up… Back in...

Interview: Dream voice – Katherine Jenkins

Interview: Dream voice – Katherine Jenkins

- 31 January 2012

Katherine Jenkins has achieved world fame as a classical cross-over singer. Andrew Kay talked to...

Music: Vive La France!

Music: Vive La France!

- 24 January 2012

French themed music festival set to celebrate our continental cousins Brighton will once again will...

Music: Sea Monsters

Music: Sea Monsters

- 17 January 2012

Brighton’s brightest bands arise from the depths for the Sea Monsters festival Inspired by the...

Music: The Xcerts

Music: The Xcerts

- 10 January 2012

The Xcerts insert various influences into new album Murray Macleod, Jordan Smith and Tom Heron...

Music: British Sea Power

Music: British Sea Power

- 3 January 2012

Powering up for a new monthly residency! Originally from the wilds of Cumbria, brothers Yan...

Saturday’s girl

Saturday’s girl

- 22 November 2011

The Saturdays new album is out this week & a Brighton show is on the...

Correspondents interview

Correspondents interview

- 11 November 2011

The Correspondents are Mr Bruce and Mr Chuckles, collaborators in resuscitating a sound from bygone...

The Guillemots

The Guillemots

- 25 October 2011

Tour for new album arrives in Brighton Formed in 2004, the BRIT and Mercury Music...