Latest TV


AK Soufflé: Thirst amongst equals

- 10 April 2017

I cannot recall the amount of times over the last 25 years I have received...


Latest TV: Jamie Walker puts women’s football at the forefront with new Albion show

- 3 April 2017

Over my last two years as part of the sports team at Latest TV it...


AK Soufflé: Exercising, my rights

- 3 April 2017

I was seeing the doctor for a regular check up, the annual one that men...


Latest TV: Shining the spotlight on local and global LGBT stories with Queer Say

- 27 March 2017

Throughout the world LGBT rights vary wildly with many people throughout the world not enjoying...


AK Soufflé: Pansy!

- 27 March 2017

Pansy! Pansy! Pansy! It was the taunt of my early teens and even before I...


Latest TV: Current affairs on The Vote this week: Brighton taxis vs Uber

- 20 March 2017

This coming week Frank le Duc from The Vote welcomes figures from the taxi trade...


AK Soufflé: Tribalism

- 20 March 2017

If art school taught me anything it is that I am not tribal. Reaching maturity,...


Latest TV: Behind the scenes of lifesaving research

- 13 March 2017

To celebrate British Science Week (March 10th – March 19th), Latest TV ventured into numerous...


AK Soufflé: News

- 13 March 2017

I’m going to start work very soon on a new newspaper show with my colleague...


Latest TV: Our editor Joe Fuller rhapsodises about his weekly What’s On show: Brighton Lights

- 6 March 2017

I host a weekly show that airs every Sunday at 6.30pm on Latest TV and...


AK Soufflé: Life’s a drag

- 6 March 2017

Drag, you love it or you hate it, or is it as clean cut as...


Latest TV: BESTFIT TV launches in March

- 27 February 2017

The makers of BESTFIT Magazine are delighted to announce the launch of BESTFIT TV, a...