In good hands, The Montefiore Hospital

November saw the opening of Spire Health Care’s exciting new venture, The Montefiore Hospital in Hove, Latest Homes talks to Andy Wood, Montefiore Hospital Director

The Montefiore Hospital in Hove is the latest development by Spire Healthcare, one of the leading providers of private healthcare in the country. It created a big buzz in the city both before and after it opened in November last year. We asked Hospital Director Andy Wood to tell us more about it.

Why did you choose Brighton and Hove to develop a new hospital?
“This is a vibrant city which embraces quality and innovation, so we felt it was the right place to establish a state-of-the-art medical facility. Spire has a hospital in Hastings and another at Gatwick but they are some distance from the 250,000 or so people living in Brighton and Hove. That said, the seaside location coupled with the world-class care offered by the Montefiore will no doubt attract patients from London and further afield. Brighton has been a “health” destination since the 18th century when people came to here to bathe in the sea, so you could say we are contributing to the legacy, although sea swimming isn’t one of the treatments on offer!”

“Our hospital is unique in that it has been built from scratch – we were able to design the hospital around our patients”

What makes the Montefiore Hospital a world-class medical facility?
“Our hospital is unique in that it has been built from scratch. Yes, the building already existed, but we gutted the interior entirely so that we could start with a clean slate. The advantage of doing this is that we were able to design the hospital around our patients. The focus is on making the experience convenient, comfortable and caring for our patients – from the moment they enter the hospital to the time when they leave. Everything is under one roof – for example, all tests, scans and X-rays are carried out at the Montefiore, so there is no need for our patients to go elsewhere. On top of this, the hospital has the most up-to-date operating theatres and diagnostic equipment which has attracted the cream of the medical professionals in the area.”

What do patients come to the Montefiore for?
“The Montefiore is a full service hospital, which means we offer treatment for most medical conditions. Patients are referred or elect to come to us for all manner of treatments including major and minor surgery, cardiac services, sports injuries, skin problems to name but a few. We also treat patients with cancer and have a chemotherapy suite. As well as medical treatments, patients can come to the Montefiore for cosmetic procedures – both surgical and non-surgical treatments are offered by our consultants.”

What can patients expect when they come to the Montefiore Hospital?
“Going into hospital is not something you would normally do by choice but we’ve tried to make it as pleasant an experience as possible for our patients. We have gone to great lengths to create a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere which starts immediately you cross the threshold. The reception area is a haven of calm, softly lit and furnished with plenty of comfortable seating. But you’ll find that this approach carries through to all areas of the hospital and all aspects of your care: en-suite private rooms with easy-to-use entertainment systems, delicious food and above all, skilled, compassionate care from all the staff.”

Delicious food is not normally associated with hospitals – what’s catering set-up at the Montefiore?
“Food at the Montefiore Hospital is very important and we take great pride in offering restaurant standard cuisine to our patients and staff. Responsible for this is Mark Hancock, our award-winning chef who heads up the catering department. Mark champions fresh, local ingredients and creates delicious menus that change daily. Patients always get a choice of several dishes and any special diets or requests can usually be carried out.
We’ve also taken our love of food out into the community and are a sponsor of the Brighton Food Festival. This gives us a chance to support the local producers by helping raise awareness of their wonderful produce.”

How do patients choose to be treated at the Montefiore Hospital?
“The Montefiore treats patients who have medical insurance or who have decided to pay for their own treatment. The usual procedure is to ask your GP to refer you to a particular consultant at the Montefiore who specialises in your condition. You can find a list of consultants on our website or your GP may already have one in mind. For cosmetic procedures, you don’t need a referral so you can contact us directly. We will endeavour to offer you an appointment at a time that suits you. We’ll also make sure that any necessary tests are arranged to coincide with when you see your consultant.”

The Montefiore Hospital, 2 Montefiore Road, Hove, BN3 1RD, 01273 828120

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