The Rainbow Chorus: Strength in Harmony

This excellent community choir certainly goes from strength to strength, and in this, their summer programme, they truly prove it. A well balanced programme starting with the rousing ‘Shosholoza’ got us off to a great start, and the use of personal stories between numbers added to the entertainment – as did the newly added choreography for some numbers; great fun.

What really impresses is a genuine sense of commitment to the music that comes across so strongly. Community choirs are about inclusivity, but with this one they seem to be developing a musicality that goes way beyond. Aneesa Chaudhry, musical director, clearly pushes them to new heights, but these are heights that they can scale. The programme includes pop anthems, but they are countered by well executed classics from the choral repertoire and my only down moments would be from a personal dislike of the song ‘Africa’, and a feeling that ‘O Fortuna’ needs a heftier accompaniment. I look forward to their next concert.

St George’s Church, 12 July 2014


Andrew Kay

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