Holly Would

Holly Keogh Takes a long hard look at fashion

I took to the streets of Brighton to ask shoppers which celebrities inspire their fashion and whereabouts they shop to achieve this look.
Alice Leverton, 22 said that she finds it quite difficult to find clothes to suit her body shape: “Victoria Beckham is probably the person whose style is closest to mine. She always looks polished and classy and she’s quite thin and so am I, she knows what suits her. “Even if it’s just a pair of jeans, her outfits are always so put together, I love it. Brighton is not really trend-led, so you can always find something tailored to your own individual style. I really like Zara and Topshop because you can always find really classic pieces there that go with everything.”

Hayley White, 24 takes fashion inspiration from Alexa Chung and Fearne Cotton. She adds: “I like how they wear simple things in a quirky way, you can always find quirky things in Brighton too. “Everything here’s a little bit different and a little bit special. You can always find bits in The Lanes that nobody else will have.”

Another person that likes to shop in The Lanes is Lauren Earl, 19 and her twin sister Charlotte. Lauren said: “I like fashion that’s a bit retro, Kylie Jenner always looks good, she’s quite retro.” Charlotte adds: “Living in Brighton, there’s so many different styles, nothing’s right or wrong, and you can get away with wearing anything! I like the vintage shops like Beyond Retro and Kate & Aud because you can mix it up with the high-street stuff.”

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