Science: Unlocking Potential

Dr Caroline Oprandi keeping you up to date with science & technology at PACA

We had a lovely day at the House of Lords where we won the nomination for Best STEM Club, competing against other schools from across the nation. I have to say though I was very impressed with the other schools and how they were also inspiring youngsters to study science, technology, engineering and maths.
It is always the same at these awards ceremonies; PACA pupils are a bit disbelieving that they have actually won and it makes me swell with pride even more when I see them looking dazzled in the spotlight! I think the penny is slowly dropping though, that as they rub shoulders with pupils from the private fee paying schools they realise that they too can hold their heads up high along with the rest of them. Intelligence never was and never will be based on wealth and background; but on determination, curiosity and a chance to discover.

The Prize
So the prize for the award, sponsored by the Science and Technology Facilities Council and STEMNET, is a trip to CERN in December. I will look forward to reporting back from CERN then. However, something that was mentioned today at the awards ceremony was how CERN brings together all different nations and backgrounds where differences are put aside for the love of science and the spirit of discovery.
Founded in 1954, the CERN laboratory sits astride the Franco-Swiss border near Geneva. It was one of Europe’s first joint ventures and now has 21 member states.

Probing the fundamental structure of the universe
At CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, physicists and engineers are probing the fundamental structure of the universe. They use the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments to study the basic constituents of matter – the fundamental particles. The particles are made to collide together at close to the speed of light. The process gives the physicists clues about how the particles interact, and provides insights into the fundamental laws of nature (referenced from CERN website).
Portslade Aldridge Community Academy (PACA) is a college offering sixth form, 11-16 years, youth centre, adult learning, community education, sports centre and pre-school. Find out more at

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