Eleanor Harris: An Eye On British Airways i360

A Week In the City

This week we reached a major milestone when the ‘jacking tower’ was removed to reveal the slim tower beneath. Now you get a real sense of why the i360 is the slimmest tall tower ever built in the world; a real marvel of engineering. I am looking forward to seeing the addition of the glass pod and lighting scheme next year.CREDIT-Finn-Hopson
In France, the glass pod also reached a major milestone as we added the last pane of glass. We have been doing a trial assembly to make sure it is in perfect working order before it arrives in Brighton next month. The building continues to make good progress too and all the supporting columns have now been fabricated.
Meanwhile, we were delighted to install a defibrillator kindly donated by the Hove Business Association and Heart Sussex. A group of local traders and members of the Association gathered to see a demonstration of CPR and how to use the defibrillator by the Council’s seafront team. The father of one of our team had his life saved by a defibrillator, which brought home to all of us how important this life saving equipment is. Currently the defibrillator is located on the east side of our hoardings and once we open it will move to our beach building (we will also have a defibrillator inside the pod).

Congratulations to all the winners of the Sussex Life Food, Drink and Hospitality Awards 2015 at the Metropole. I judged the Tourism Ambassador category and the Brighton Marathon were the worthy winners recognising their efforts to turn a race into the Brighton weekend to the benefit of the entire tourism sector. I sat next to the i360 brasserie’s executive chef, Steven Edwards (winner of MasterChef the Professionals) and his business partner Josh Stanzl who judged the food innovation category.
I was also pleased to see the Employer Skills Task Force get underway bringing together some of the city’s larger employers. A particular focus is on creating apprenticeships, which is something we will be championing with engineering apprentices.
Twitter: @TheBrightoni360 @Eleanor_Harris, Facebook: Brighton-i360, Pinterest: Brightoni360, www.brightoni360.co.uk

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