Stage: As you wish
Locally made but nationally promoted, The Servant comes home to Brighton at The New Venture Theatre

A stage adaptation of former Brighton resident Robin Maugham’s The Servant will be shown at The New Venture Theatre next month. Made famous by the 1963 Harold Pinter-scripted film classic starring Dirk Bogarde and James Fox, it is often mistaken for Pinter’s own work, in fact its origins lie in Maugham’s book of the same title, written in 1948.
Following the book’s success, Maugham turned The Servant into a play in 1958, but was told by one film censor that, because of its risqué content, he would never see it made into a film in his lifetime, despite Maugham always believing it was a ‘natural’ for the screen.
The plot centres around the young and wealthy Tony as he returns from Africa to collect his inheritance and the subtle role reversal that takes place between him and his employee. Tony’s manservant tends to every whim, he takes care of the decorating, plumbing and can even knock out a mean chocolate soufflé.
But it’s all a smoke screen as each character is locked in tangled web of power and control, swirling beneath the quaint superficiality of 1950s society. This particular production sees the central role of Tony played by Matthew Houghton (Our Country’s Good, Strangers On A Train, Mojo And Festen). Tony’s insidious servant is meticulously played by Colin Elmer, he manipulates a subtle control over his master as they each vie for status amongst the Chelsea socialites.
Much of Robin Maugham’s own life reads like a work of fiction. Nephew to literary giant William Somerset Maugham, it has often been speculated that he took some inspiration from ‘Uncle Willie’ for many of his characters that featured in his many plays, novels, short stories, films and biographies.
Some of Robin’s happiest years were spent at a Regency house in Brunswick Terrace, Hove, where he partied constantly with the likes of Graham Greene, Sir Terrence Rattigan and Gilbert Harding. He died in Brighton Hospital in 1981.
The Servant, New Venture Theatre, 7.45pm plus 2.30pm matinee on Sunday 2 October, 1, 2, 4–8 October, £9/8,
•Words: Chris Dyer