Live ‘n’ Laughing

Psychosocial lends itself well to comedy, with low ceilings, bar along one side and a stage easily seen by all – so it was a keen eye on the part of Live ‘n’ Laughing’s organiser to nab the venue for this evening of comedy’s new home. Mixing an established circuit headliner – in this case a for-the-most-part sharp as a tack James Redmond with a strong set tackling his own minor celebrity head on along with a successful side line in mocking those from his home town of Bristol – with lesser known comics and beginners, it was a gamble of the night that paid off. A highlight was Lucy Freeborn’s tight set, self referential and never far from a punchline. If her under-confident delivery marked this out as her first gig the lovely gags showed it shouldn’t be her last. David Hannant opened successfully with a friendly set, Ade Foiadelli followed as a last minute replacement with an assured delivery, and Chiff Powell held his own. Hosted by the hugely enthusiastic Doug Devaney, this evening had a few lulls and a couple of bellowing guffaws for an even balance.

Psychosocial, 22 March 2012


Victoria Nangle

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