Journey to X

It started with a bang and the pace didn’t let up for an hour in a rocking, riveting piece of modern theatre. It had all the energy and laughs of a teenage party. It definitely had the X Factor, and I don’t mean Susan Boyle.

Olivia Fallon played the pregnant teenager in search of an abortion in an understated and totally believable way. The scene with her ex boyfriend (who had made her pregnant) was the stand-out moment and Charlie Suff as Dave played the mixed-up boy so well that he got a round of applause as he left the stage. If they were remaking Rebel Without a Cause, look no further. This guy is the real deal. Felix Brown played Vince, the nasty kid, with just the right amount of Saturday night West Street bravado and cowardice and Jamie-Leigh Gilbert provided amazing modern street dance in a fabulous dance troupe.

I loved the fast exciting direction but in a rave review you should have a criticism, so I would have liked the actors to always play naturally to each other and not to the audience at all. But hey, I’m still giving it five stars! I’ve got to go now as I’m going to try and sign up Olivia, Charlie … oh hey, all of them… for my TV show. I’m not joking.

Journey to X by Nancy Harris, by ACT Brighton (14 to 17 year olds)

The Old Market Theatre, 17 March 2012


Bill Smith

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