Patti Plinko

Patti Plinko deals in sex, death and drinking; age old inspiration for song of course, but in the hands of Plinko and her marvellous trio these concerns are given fresh impetus, life even. It’s never made quite apparent why, but Plinko smiles and laughs all the way through the show, and several times it seems as if a fit of the unstoppable giggles is about to take place. Perhaps it’s a realisation how brilliantly silly the music and sentiments are? Why else would she use a kazoo to such startling effect or include a working record player on stage with which to sing over? Or have the Fifth Element-lookalike and opera singer, Ernesto Tomasini camp it up on a couple of songs? Whatever the case, Patti’s sneering/drunken/seductive vocals perfectly compliment the theatrical tango/chanson/gypsy vibe. You can barely make out what she is singing, but the drama unfolds clearly in front of your eyes. A ‘fun’ evening, despite the nature of the material…. A word for ‘pop-up’ venue The Warren – a top class job courtesy of Otherplace Productions.

The Warren, 5 May 2012


Jeff Hemmings

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