Kraft Renewable Energy

A ray of light

There was a time when the idea of solar power was seen as a cranky, if not a crackpot idea. Few of us could see the potential, some of us hated the look and the majority thought it was a pipe dream. That was then. Today, with soaring fuel costs and a much greater acceptance of the need to find renewable and eco-friendly solutions, solar power is for many an ideal solution.

Kevin Power, the appropriately named man behind Kraft Renewable Energy, has recognised this. “Solar power is a fantastic resource that many home owners can tap into,” he says. “But having recognised that, I also became aware that it was only a part of the deal. Fitting solar panels will give people power, but without looking at the whole issue, that power can also be wasted. Free fuel is not the only motivation, renewable implies making the most of this natural resource. At Kraft Renewable Energy we are able to advise people in an holistic way that solar power can become a part of the way they live their lives.”

So is harvesting solar power by fitting solar panels an option that will work on all homes? “We would never claim that. It is vital that we look at each case on an individual basis. Some homes will be absolutely ideal; others will be less suitable. Most importantly, we look at the whole situation, from the fitting of the panels, to insulation and the introduction of power saving devices, gadgets and switches. By adding in all these factors we can help home owners make significant savings in both the short and the long term. And we are happy to do a survey of anyone’s home and assess the suitability for solar power – for free. We also host Kraft Green Parties – where residents get together with friends and we host a talk and Q&A session in their home or in our showroom.”

The media has also been full of stories about the Government, and the major power suppliers, buying any excess energy that your home source generates. This is called Feed in Tariffs (FiT), a scheme initiated by the Government that pays back people who install renewable energy sources like solar power. At the present the sum is based on an assumption that half of the power you generate you will not use. Storage of power is, for the present, not an affordable option. Getting a solar installation before July 2012 will allow suitable homes to take advantage of the current higher government ‘feed-in-tariff’ rates, paid on solar power generated. For example – 21p Generation Tariff for each unit (or kWh) generated, whether used in the home or not. A well-positioned, averaged-sized (2.5kW) solar PV system can generate 2,200-plus units a year which translates to around £462, plus 3.1p additional Export Tariff for each unit of surplus electricity exported to the National Grid (estimated at 50% of total electricity generated).

The ‘feed in tariff’ system provides an excellent return on investment; it is index linked and guaranteed for 25 years. “When you add that sum to the fact that you will also be making significant reductions to the amount of power you are buying from the major power suppliers, solar power becomes a very attractive proposition. Most of the panels that we fit carry a 25-year guarantee which means that the return on the initial investment is significant and the ongoing saving on fuel costs potentially massive.”

“With a massive 90% increase in energy prices over the last six years now must be the right time to take a serious look at the benefits of solar power”

This all sounds very attractive, but how complicated is it to get everything put in place so that you can reap the benefits of the FiT scheme? “Putting everything in place is what we at Kraft are about, from installing the right technology, making sure your home makes the most of that technology and providing the right information and documentation to ensure that all FiT benefits can be applied for. Right now is the ideal time to think about solar power if you want to make the most of feed in tariff schemes, reducing your fuel bills and being paid for the power you generate too!

We are inviting people to come and talk to us at our Woodingdean showroom and can even come to your home and make presentations about the benefits of solar power.”
With a massive 90% increase in energy prices over the last six years now must be the right time to take a serious look at the benefits of solar power and secure a greener and cheaper future for your home and your family.

Kraft Renewable Energy,
72 Warren Road, Woodingdean, Brighton BN2 6BA
0800 298 0259,

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