Summer Schubertiade – Marcus Farnsworth (baritone) and James Baillieu (piano)

This venue, vulnerable to farmyard noises, is not yet ideal for Lieder recitals and the dry acoustic gives no feedback to the singer. However, the familiar Schubert songs came across beautifully and reassured us that all would go well. I am so grateful that I was introduced to the unfamiliar Kurtág works by such convincing and sensitive performances. The unaccompanied baritone songs had such extraordinary vocal agility, range and delicacy. In the Benjamin Britten songs, Farnsworth’s rich tone and perfect diction was complemented wonderfully by Baillieu’s attentive characterisation and virtuosity. Let’s hope this excellent partnership comes back to Sussex soon.

Charleston Barn, Firle, 28 July 2012


Andrew Connal

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