Ruby Grimshaw has planned her book launch

I had never been to a book launching in my whole life, despite attending writing seminars and belonging to various book clubs. (I don’t count being in the audience for a live BBC Book Club recording by ‘Jim’ Naughtie a few years ago when I was so chuffed when one of my questions was used later in the broadcast. The book was The Scold’s Bridle by Minette Walters, a very good read, and I remember being so impressed with the author because about an hour before the broadcast began her handbag containing passport, credit cards and a large amount of cash had been stolen. In her place I knew I could not have carried on so professionally with the programme as though nothing had happened.)

Anyway, in May my book launching duck was broken by two invitations and both from local authors. The first was a delightful evening held at Southover Grange in Lewes for Martin Spinelli’s heart rending story After The Crash describing a father’s fight to save his son’s life and thereby transforming his own. I am sure Martin will agree with me when I say that his presence on the wards at King’s College Hospital must have sometimes made the medical team’s hearts drop. Yet a parent can only applaud his tenacity and dedication to his son (who, to everyone’s delight, was playing football with his mates on the lawn).

“I have put it on my coffee table to add a bit of gravitas”

The second launch was a more formal, though also enjoyable, occasion held at the British Library in London for Ros Barber’s The Marlowe Papers, an original and powerful story of Christopher Marlowe (said by some to be the real writer of Shakespeare’s works). It is written totally in verse and while this may sound daunting it is quite easy and accessible to read. It is also a very beautifully bound book and I have put it on my coffee table to add a bit of gravitas.

So now I would like to have my own book launching. But like the little girl who plans her beautiful wedding from the white dress to the ten-tiered cake but has not yet got a groom, I know where I will hold my launch, who to invite and what we’ll have to eat, but there is still the question of the actual book. My novel is still many drafts away from being sent anywhere and while I am now inspired to keep at it, I hope I don’t pop my clogs before my big day.

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