Reach for the stars

Soon everyone will be going into space

Ever dreamed of journeying to the stars? Or hanging out with them? Well imagine no more, Virgin Galactic will soon launch a space programme offering two-hour flights to sub-orbital space, celebrities including Ashton Kutcher are understood to have signed up for the adventure. Even better, they’re offering one lucky earthling the chance to go for free by collecting frequent flyers points. Sadly most of us aren’t a flight-a-day aviation junkie, or Sarah Brightman. The darling of countless Lloyd-Webber musicals may be the next paying passenger to ride a Russian rocket to the International Space Station. If it happens, she would make the journey in 2015 and would be the first paying customer since 2009.

Speaking of Russia there’s a more earth bound struggle between two giants with the battle between Virgin Atlantic and EasyJet. A landmark ruling for the right to operate flights between London and Moscow will be decided next month with the spoils for whichever airline emerges victorious. Traffic between the two cities has trebled in the past ten years and is expected to increase even further following the success of the London Olympics. Whoever wins prices are set to fall, finally making the East one small flight for man. 01273 760141

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