Cinecity: Boneboys

In 1974, Tobe Hooper and Kim Henkel wrote one of the greatest films in cinema history; ‘The Texas Chainsaw Massacre’. Decades later, Henkel has returned to continue the legacy with ‘Boneboys’; a skull-crushing story about a boy’s 17th birthday celebration, rudely interrupted by a gang of young predatory males with a taste for female flesh. While carrying components largely similar to the original such as irresponsible teenagers, a perverted family of cannibals and the odd chainsaw, ‘Boneboys’ is fresh and ready to welcome in a new generation to its proud heritage. Take heed as directors Duane Graves and Justin Meeks are not shy in sharing the violent love but this film is a refreshing change from an all-too-common bout of unimaginative torture porn that we’ve seen populate our cinema screens over the years.

Duke of Yorks Picturehouse, 24 November 2012


Holly Cozens

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