Austin Rees raise funds for Rockinghorse

Good elf
Austin Rees raise funds for Rockinghorse with their ‘Elf On The 12th’ fundraising day
If you visited the offices of Austin Rees on 12 December 2012, you would have been greeted by elves. All of the staff spent time and effort to ensure that they looked every part a real elf. There was even a visit from Father Christmas himself. Austin Rees, who are associated with the Rockinghorse children’s charity throughout 2013, celebrated the ‘Elf on the 12th’ campaign at their offices in the Seven Dials.
Austin Rees have chosen Rockinghorse, a charity closely associated with the Royal Alexandra Hospital and the Trevor Mann Baby Unit, as their nominated Charity for 2013. This hospital, near to everyone’s heart, devotes themselves to the wellbeing of children of all ages. “We are delighted to be able to assist this essential unit raise funds in order for them to continue helping children in need of medical care,” says Andrew Austin of Austin Rees. “We were touched by the generosity by all associated with our firm including our staff who donated £2 each and our contractors, some of whom donated as much as £200, and also our customers who visited our offices and donated money.”
Austin Rees also created a link on their website where people could pledge donations on ‘Elf On The 12th’. “We are delighted to have raised a staggering £1,508 towards the target of £3,000 which the Rockinghorse were hoping to raise on this day. Austin Rees would like to say a massive thank you to all those who made this day such a success.”
We have set ourselves a target for monies raised throughout 2013 which will enable us individually to purchase equipment desperately needed by the hospital,” Andrew continues. “We will be organising many other charity events throughout 2013 which will be detailed on our news page at This will be updated regularly with news and pictures.”
Austin Rees, 135–137 Dyke Road, Hove, BN3 1TJ, 01273 207501,