In good hands With the Montefiore Hospital

Lynnette Awdry is Matron of the Montefiore Hospital which treats patients with most medical conditions. Here is her advice for patients preparing to come into hospital

Going into hospital can be a daunting prospect but you will feel less anxious if you know what to expect. Make sure you understand what you’re going into hospital for. This might sound obvious, but understanding exactly what the procedure is and how you can expect to feel after surgery will give you a head start on the road to recovery.

Ask for up-to-date written or diagrammatic information about the treatment. You should be presented with a patient information sheet from your clinician.Take a list of questions to all your appointments – it’s easy to forget things when you are in an unfamiliar environment so having notes in front of you will serve as a prompt. And remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question!

You may like to ask close relatives and friends for questions as they may have another viewpoint which could prove useful. Before you go in, find out what your hospital offers in terms of catering, entertainment and room facilities. Based on what your hospital offers, bring items that will enhance your comfort. For example, many patients bring a photo of a loved one with them.

Let the hospital know if you have any special dietary requirements so that you are offered meals you can enjoy. Similarly, if you have a hearing or sight impairment, let the hospital know so that the team looking after you understands how to communicate appropriately with you.

“Familiarise yourself with the team that will be looking after you. They are there to deliver an excellent level of care and make your treatment as comfortable as can be”

When you are admitted to hospital familiarise yourself with the team that will be looking after you and what part they will play in your care. They are there to deliver an excellent level of care and make your treatment as comfortable as it can be. Don’t be scared to ask questions and you are quite within your rights to challenge anything you are uncomfortable with such as hand-washing procedures.

Be selfish about visits from friends and family. While it’s lovely to have people come and see you, a constant stream of visitors can be exhausting and won’t help your recovery. If you can, nominate a relative or close friend to organise visitors to come when it suits you rather than them so that you have plenty of protected time to rest and recover.

The Montefiore is a full service hospital that offers treatments for most medical conditions and cosmetic procedures.

For further information, please visit or call 01273 828120

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