Zoe Ball joins hundreds of women in supporting the Martlets Midnight Walk

Midnight Ball

TV Presenter and local resident Zoe Ball has joined the team promoting this year’s 13-mile Midnight Walk. Zoe is lending her voice to the campaign to encourage the ladies of Brighton and Hove to join with hundreds of other women and take to the streets, at midnight on Friday 14 June to raise money for the Martlets Hospice.

“The work they do is so important and I wouldn’t hesitate to lend my wholehearted support”

Zoe has a personal reason for lending her support to this vital local charity. “I had heard about the Martlets but it was only when my dear stepfather Rick was diagnosed with MND [Motor Neurone Disease] last year that I witnessed firsthand the importance of the wonderful work done by all the staff there,” says Zoe. “Sadly Rick passed away in December and we miss him dreadfully. I can’t express enough gratitude to all the marvellous doctors, nurses and support staff at the Martlets; their care for Rick was incredible and they provided our family with the thoughtful loving and supportive care we needed. The work they do is so important and I wouldn’t hesitate to lend my wholehearted support to their fundraising to help other families in their hour of need. Thank you Martlets, and let’s raise as much as we can!”

Reasons women are walking
The Martlets recently took to their Facebook page to ask women their reason for taking part in the Midnight Walk. Although many do it because they have a personal connection with the hospice, others get involved to enjoy a night out with friends, for a personal challenge, or just to do some good.

“It’s a fun night you will never forget. So come on ladies and join the fun.” – Donna James

“The Martlets where there for my friend and her family when she needed them. I want to raise money so someone else can benefit from the same care as they all had. Fantastic nurses and volunteers.” – Bea Jackson

“… a few karma points in the bank can’t hurt.” – Charlotte Waring

New shorter route
For many, the option to do a shorter six-mile route has meant they can do the walk but not miss a whole night’s sleep. One entrant says:
“I’ve got young children so just didn’t feel able to be out all night but doing the six-mile route was brilliant as I enjoyed the atmosphere of the night but was in bed by 2.30am!”
All the money raised by the walk goes to fund the work of the specialist Hospice nurses.

To enter visit www.themartlets.org.uk, pick up a form at any Martlets shop or call the Fundraising Department on 01273 747455.

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