The 2024 Seaford Model Railway Exhibition

It’s the sound of childhood, or perhaps the sound of childhood still firmly in the hearts of many, many grown ups. Probably boys and men for the most part, but let’s not rule out girls and women.
I recently attended an event at Brighton Toy Museum and found myself going woo woo as I delighted in the sight of exquisite model railway layouts and trains racing through beautifully imagined and constructed landscapes. Memories of times gone by, the era of steam and diesel, the move to electric, all captured in perfectly detailed miniature.

Like many men of a certain age a train set became the Christmas gift that marked the change from building blocks to more sophisticated toys. My Hornby Doublo set was a basic loop and I loved it. Then one day visiting family friends I was allowed to climb a ladder into a loft and there I was introduced to “uncle” Alan’s fantasy world, a landscape of hills and vales, track and sidings, goods yard, stations, tunnels, bridges… it was magnificent.
My simple loop of track faded away and I dedicated my play to Lego and drawing.

Model trains remain a popular pastime for so many and model train clubs are here to stay. The evidence can be clearly seen at an exhibition being mounted by the Newhaven & District Railway Club where there will be layouts to see in most scales, trade stands and refreshments. Why not revisit those memories of childhood or maybe rekindle an earlier hobby or passion. Woo! Woo!

The 2024 Seaford Model Railway Exhibition takes place on Saturday 2nd November at Seaford Baptist Church, Belgrade Road, Seaford BN25 2EE
Adult £6.00, accompanied children up to 16 free