Blast Theory – Fixing Point

Blast Theory are an internationally recognised art collective who’s innovative use of technology within their work has made them award winners around the world. For the Brighton Festival they revived their highly original and thought-provoking piece Fixing Point. Set in the idyllic settings of Stanmer Park, the piece involves walking in to a wood wearing headphones connected to a smartphone. The screen shows a map of the area and audio recordings which are hidden in the wood which, once you’ve found them, reveal interview recordings from the sister of Seamus Ruddy, an ex-INLA member who went missing 28 years ago. There are many levels that this piece could be understood and experienced but for this reviewer it was an eerily poignant but also very exciting to experience such a unique and forward-thinking piece.

Stanmer Park, 21 May 2013


Woodrow Whyte

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