Austin Rees share their Tanzanian travel diary

One world

Paige & Georgia, sponsored by Austin Rees, share their travel diary from Tanzania

Paige and Georgia, sponsored by Austin Rees Lettings & Property Management, have returned from their adventure to Tanzania. The girls kept a diary in order to share the experience…

A typical day
“Today, we went to the Baby Orphanage with a few other housemates. We had to get the Dala Dala, which is a rickety mini bus that can hold about 12 people in, but true African style, they managed to fit in about 25-30 people.

“As we went into the Baby Orphanage, the younger children came running up to us and we then played with them for a couple of hours. When it came to lunch time, the children formed two circles around two silver battered old platters filled with a substance of flour and water. They played a game which involved the two groups on who could eat the quickest. The group that would win would then hold up the platter and all point and shout “Shame! Shame!” to the other group. They would then get cleaned up and be put down for a nap.

“While the older children were sleeping, we would all go to the school across the road and play with the other children in their playtime break. We would all have around five to six kids trying to hold our hand, they loved to hang off of us, and a couple of kids would even stroke your hand and then sniff their own hand to smell your scent.

“When it was home time, it started to rain. While the teachers from the school started to walk some kids home, we went back to the baby orphanage to have some lunch.
This was about one o’clock.

“When the children woke up, we played with them till 4pm and caught the Dala Dala back home.”
Before this trip, Paige and Georgia did not realise what would be involved. They were sent to a very remote village with very primitive facilities where white women were stared at and are sometimes subject to abuse. This, alone, was most intimidating for the girls. The children embraced the girls and, from the pictures, enjoyed their interaction with teaching, dance and games. A particular poignant aspect of this trip was that many of the children have incurable diseases yet still had a smile on their faces.

When Paige used her iPod to play modern day music, the children could not have been more excited and laughed and danced! They are privileged to have been part of this adventure and Austin Rees are in total admiration to what Paige and Georgia have achieved. This is an experience they will never forget.

Austin Rees: 01273 207501
Lettings: 01273 260724

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