Living the dream with David Wilson Homes

Trio team up with help to buy to realise house buying dream with David Wilson Homes

Separately, Roseanne Allen, 23, and couple Eloise Allen, 24, and Ben Pirt, 25, were unable to buy their own homes. Roseanne had a large deposit but a low income, sister Eloise and her partner Ben had higher incomes and a lower deposit. But together, thanks to the new Help to Buy scheme, this trio are now the proud owners of a three bedroom, three storey town house at David Wilson Homes’ Wickhurst Green development in pretty Broadbridge Heath.
After saving for nearly three years, Eloise, Ben and Roseanne decided it was time to buy a house, but as Eloise explains, there were hurdles: “We had all saved really hard and made big sacrifices to get our £38,000 deposit. We were really proud of ourselves. But when it came to assessing our mortgage options we realised that building a deposit wasn’t necessarily going to be enough.

“The high interest rates on 90 per cent mortgages meant the monthly repayments were going to be a real stretch for us. There was one obvious solution; the three of us would combine our deposits and mortgage eligibility, and buy our first house together.

The trio started looking for properties in their home town of Horsham. “Researching online, we saw the Wickhurst Green development, in Broadbridge Heath, which is about three miles from Horsham. We found a three bedroom town house we really liked”.

The next step for Eloise, Ben and Roseanne was arranging a mortgage. Eloise explains: “I heard about Help to Buy when the budget was announced but it wasn’t until our sales advisor at Wickhurst Green put us in touch with an independent mortgage consultant that we fully understood the scheme. The consultant checked our eligibility and qualified us for Help to Buy.”

Eloise continues: “We then got our approval and that’s when it began to get really exciting, and also a little scary! We half expected not to be granted a mortgage, but after we had been confirmed as eligible for Help to Buy we realised it was all really happening!”

David Wilson Homes developments Wickhurst Green, Horsham and The Acres, Horley, offer luxury living in a leafy setting. Find out how you could move up to quality by speaking to one of their sales advisors today.
David Wilson Homes:
08448 114 333,

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