Maximum exposure

Latest Homes talks quality photography to Jerry Phillipps of Exposure Home

In the last 12 years, since the launch of this magazine to be precise, much has changed in the way that property has been sold. Back then, estate agents were tied into a format of newspaper advertising that consisted of row upon row of thumbnail sized black and white photographs of house fronts. It didn’t matter how lovely your home for sale was, it ended up looking like a terraced house, in a street not unlike Coronation Street. It’s odd to imagine that now, things have come so far with colour advertising, digital cameras, online exposure and now TV. Even what we see has changed, gone are those straight forward house fronts, now even the most modest of properties for sale will be seen with interior shots, gardens and balconies. In other words, agents have a world of media opportunities to exploit.

At the same time, we are often asked by agents and vendors how we can improve the look of their media exposure. The answer is simple: quality imagery, which is where Jerry Phillipps of Exposure Home comes in.

Jerry studied arts before embarking on a 12-year career in estate agency. It was while he worked for one of the country’s leading estate agents that he took over responsibility for the photography of their clients’ properties. For over five years he specialised in making all of their homes for sale and to rent look as good as possible. His art training meant that he already had a creative eye and this he applied to his skills in estate agency and made photographing homes his specialism.

He has now launched his own business, Exposure Home, and offers a complete service that includes styling a property, taking the pictures, editing them and making sure they give the very best impression of a home “I invest a lot of time to create the best possible images,” says Jerry. “It’s my role to make a home look as good as possible. This can mean clearing back, moving furniture out of the way, and in the end showing the best aspects of a property. It can be about the size and proportions of rooms, about period features, views, the quality of light, the fixtures and fittings… and it can sometimes be close-up shots of small details, but details that make a home very special, a beautiful tap, a vintage light switch or door handle. They all add up to making something look really special.

“Equally it is about cutting back, about leaving out the things that are part of everyday life but that simply do not need to be seen. Editing is important too, but at the same time I am aware that images must comply with the legislation laid down by the Property Misdescriptions Act. I can tidy things up but I can never disguise anything structural or cover up a fault.
“What I do know is that great images can really help a property to be seen by a wider market and in turn really help vendors to achieve the very best price for their home. “When I put my own property on the market I have no doubt that the quality images of our modest home went a long way towards securing a selling price that exceeded our expectations. In fact within days we had a massive amount of interest and our first offer – and that was £5,000 over the asking price.

“At Latest Homes we know the power of a good picture and we have been impressed with the quality images and the attention to detail that Jerry Phillipps offers”

“Another client had double the amount of online interest after I had taken new photographs. This is clear evidence that great photographs attract traffic to your property.”

This is a marketing concept the Latest Homes team agree with; it appeals to both agents and to vendors. Jerry welcomes enquiries from forward thinking agents looking to offer exclusive marketing in their area, but this is also a service that a vendor might choose to use personally and most agents will welcome great existing photographs from a vendor.
It works for properties of all scales and prices too, from a bijou studio to a massive country mansion. In fact, it is probably a more valuable asset at the lower end of the market than when working with a glamorous stately home.

As well as bespoke imagery, Jerry also creates floor plans and Energy Performance Certificates, all in one hit. An EPC can cost a vendor up to £75 and a ground plan up to £50.

Jerry will offer all three for £150, that includes 25 stunning images. He also offers the three components individually. As an introductory offer he is offering the complete package for £99, a real bargain when weighed against the added impact the service will add to the marketing of your home and as we would all agree, marketing is king!

“I have been an EPC qualified domestic energy assessor since day one. I produce industry standard floor plans, but above all I will do whatever it takes to get the right shot, deliver the results quickly and allow the vendor to exploit the full potential of those images as they choose.”

At Latest Homes we know the power of a good picture and we have been impressed with the quality images and the attention to detail that Jerry Phillipps offers.
Exposure Home: 07900 785 503,

Client testimonial
“I never saw the need for professional imagery until I saw Jerry’s photos. They are some truly beautiful images that I am sure helped sell my property for its full asking price. A worthwhile investment and a truly reliable and professional service; I will use Jerry again.”
– Tim Field

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