Catherine Taylor of Healys LLP on life as a matrimonial lawyer

Parting ways

There are many ups and down in the life of a matrimonial lawyer. When we first see clients, they are usually at one of the lowest points in their lives and are extremely vulnerable. Often clients will come to see us only days after splitting from their partner and realising that a long-term relationship has come to an end. We tend to meet with clients for a fixed price first meeting, as clients need to spend time talking through their emotions and their situation, without feeling that the meter is running.

After our fixed priced meeting, we write to confirm our advice to our clients and offer them various options in respect of the way forward. Our advice letter is important to the client, as very rarely will they have taken on board all of the advice offered to them during what is often an emotional meeting.

Relationship breakdowns are rarely straightforward and rather like the grief process, people go through different stages and different emotions and they do not necessarily go through it at the same time as their former partner.

“The process often starts with denial, followed by anger, grief and then acceptance”

The process often starts with denial, followed by anger, grief and then acceptance. Whilst we offer empathy to the clients, we also understand that their judgement can sometimes be clouded. For example, a partner who feels they have been treated badly may be vengeful and want us to relay their bitterness, but on the other hand, a partner who has moved on with their life, may feel guilty and wish to offer the world to their former partner. We take a pragmatic view and attempt to guide our clients through the traumatic and stressful process, hopefully offering them a light at the end of the tunnel.

The best part of being a matrimonial lawyer is being able to help clients to rebuild their lives and being able to see their recovery. We are pleased when former clients take the time to let us know how their lives have moved onwards and upwards.

If you are in the process of separating from your partner or spouse and wish to discuss any relevant issues, please feel free to telephone us on 01273 685888. Alternatively, you may choose to email us at either of the addresses below:
Catherine Taylor:
Kathryn Sawyer:

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